
Klara | Penerjemah 3 tahun | Guru Berpengalaman🌿

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28Indonesian grammar Sessions Completed
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JapaneseC1 Advanced
🌤 Lahir dan besar di Indonesia, berpengalaman dalam dunia penerjemahan dan penjurubahasaan lebih dari tiga tahun (ID⇄CN⇄JP⇄EN) 🚩 Tersedia kelas percakapan, penerjemahan, dan menulis 📚 Bahan latihan yang menarik dan interaktif ❣️Salam❣️ Tertarik pada keindahan alam Indonesia? Ingin jelajahi pulau-pulau di Indonesia? Atau ingin menikmati kehidupan, pekerjaan, dan perjalanan seru di Indonesia tanpa batasan bahasa, serta berteman dengan orang Indonesia yang ramah dan kenali budaya Indonesia yang kaya? Ayo, kuasai Bahasa Indonesia! Halo, saya Klara… Pakai K! ^_^ Saya lahir dan tumbuh di Indonesia, tidak pernah kuliah di luar negeri, namun saya mampu menguasai Bahasa Mandarin, Bahasa Inggris, dan Bahasa Jepang selama puluhan tahun di Indonesia. Berarti, Anda juga bisa. Berikut ini kelas-kelas yang saya sediakan untuk Anda! 🌏PERCAKAPAN🌏 🔥 Sudah belajar bahasa Indonesia cukup lama, tetapi masih tidak berani berbicara? Ingin latihan percakapan tetapi tidak punya teman atau lawan bicara? Akan datang atau sudah di Indonesia, ingin cepat menguasai percakapan? Daftarkan diri Anda dalam kelas yang paling diminati ini! Cocok bagi: 🌱 Pemula yang belum tahu apa-apa tentang bahasa Indonesia 🌱 Pemelajar yang masih pasif atau belum berani berbicara 🌱 Penutur asing yang butuh lawan bicara 🌱 Pelancong yang ingin mendatangi Indonesia 🌏PENERJEMAHAN🌏 🔥 Makin eratnya hubungan antara Indonesia dan negara lain, mendorong adanya peminatan yang terus meningkat untuk mempelajari sebuah bahasa asing. Anda sudah menguasai bahasa Indonesia dan Mandarin, atau Indonesia dan Jepang, namun tidak menemukan tempat latihan penerjemahan yang mendukung? Ayo, daftarkan segera dalam kelas ini! Kejarlah impian Anda sebagai tenaga profesional yang unggul! Cocok bagi: 🌱 Yang berminat pada dunia penerjemahan 🌱 Akan bekerja dalam lingkungan bilingual 🌏MEMBACA & MENULIS🌏 🔥 Tertarik pada berita terbaru yang terjadi di Indonesia, ingin membaca dan tahu lebih dalam tentang isu terkait, atau ingin latihan menulis dan lebih menguasai tata bahasa. Kelas ini memang disediakan khusus untuk Anda! Ayo, daftarkan segera! Cocok bagi: 🌱 Yang tertarik pada berita terbaru di Indonesia 🌱 Yang ingin latihan menulis atau mengarang 🌱 Yang butuh petunjuk ketika membaca dan mendalami tata bahasa Sekian kelas yang disediakan. Hubungi saya terlebih dahulu mengenai target pembelajaran dan kemampuan Anda saat ini akan membantu persiapan kelas yang lebih baik. ⭐️Perhatian⭐️ 1. Hanya menerima pemelajar yang berniat kuat dan serius, mohon hubungi saya sebelum melakukan pembelian kelas. 2. Tidak membuka kelas luring. Saya hanya mengajar secara daring di AmazingTalker, serta tidak menerima pembayaran secara pribadi. 3. Bila ada pertanyaan, silakan hubungi saya langsung. ❣️Terima kasih❣️
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Group Lessons

Around 40% off compared to 1-on-1 lessons🔥 Limited discount seats!
Bersama Klara, Belajar dalam Kelas Grup Bahasa Indonesia!! PERTAMA di AmazingTalker! Latihan percakapan dengan teman-teman pemelajar bahasa Indonesia Tersedia berbagai topik menarik! HUBUNGI saya segera!
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Self-Intro Video
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In-Class Video
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Class videos can be downloaded
Videos from one-on-one courses can be downloaded within one year after the course ends, greatly enhancing your learning experience!
( This bonus only available for students who enable the class recording function)

2 Indonesian grammar course reviews

  • Sonia
    26 Nov 2023
    It has been a great experience learning from Klara. She not only teaches the languages, but also explains why it happens in the culture. It is always the best to be able to learn a language from its native speaker.
  • Klara seems very kind, patient, and knowledgeable! She did a great job speaking at my level so that her speech was slow and simple enough that I could easily understand her and she only used English when absolutely necessary but was understanding when I needed to because I couldn't express myself in Indonesian. She outlined her plan for me where we will follow a textbook to learn more vocabulary and grammar and then practice with it. I'm looking forward to more classes with Klara!
See all 2 reviews

Indonesian learning milestones

我靠寫作來證明自己切實存在 / Menulis untuk Eksistensi Diri

Performance History



  • 2011 - 2020 中文日語私家教師
  • 2012 - 2020 中文印尼語文件翻譯
  • 2015 - 2020 Mandarin Station 98.3FM雅加達第一華語廣播電台
  • 2017 - 2020 日語印尼語中文英文全職口譯員


  • 2010 - 2014 印尼雅加達BINUS大學 日本語言與文化 Certificate Uploaded

  • 2025 - 2027 The University of Tokyo 語言學(言語学) Certificate Uploaded


  • 印尼教育部國家官方印尼語水平考試 UKBI 第二級 Peringkat II: Sangat Unggul Certificate Uploaded

  • 漢語水平考試HSK第6級 Certificate Uploaded

  • 日本語能力試験JLPT N1 Certificate Uploaded

  • Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (HPI) 印度尼西亞翻譯協會正式會員 Certificate Uploaded

  • Teaching Indonesian as a Foreign Language 對外印尼語教學 (TIFL/BIPA) 54hrs Certificate Uploaded

  • 印尼大學文學部國際語言機構 LBI FIB UI 對外印尼語BIPA教師培訓 20hrs Certificate Uploaded

  • 印尼大學 LBI FIB UI 英文印尼語口譯培訓 Interpreting (EN-ID) 40hrs Certificate Uploaded

  • 印尼大學 LBI FIB UI 日文印尼語筆譯培訓 Translation (JP-ID) 20hrs Certificate Uploaded

  • 韓國語文能力測驗 TOPIK I 第二級(初級) Certificate Uploaded

  • 2011 - 2020 中文日語私家教師
  • 2012 - 2020 中文印尼語文件翻譯
  • 2015 - 2020 Mandarin Station 98.3FM雅加達第一華語廣播電台
  • 2017 - 2020 日語印尼語中文英文全職口譯員
  • 2010 - 2014


    日本語言與文化 Certificate Uploaded

  • 2025 - 2027

    The University of Tokyo

    語言學(言語学) Certificate Uploaded

  • 印尼教育部國家官方印尼語水平考試 UKBI 第二級 Peringkat II: Sangat Unggul Certificate Uploaded

  • 漢語水平考試HSK第6級 Certificate Uploaded

  • 日本語能力試験JLPT N1 Certificate Uploaded

  • Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (HPI) 印度尼西亞翻譯協會正式會員 Certificate Uploaded

  • Teaching Indonesian as a Foreign Language 對外印尼語教學 (TIFL/BIPA) 54hrs Certificate Uploaded

  • 印尼大學文學部國際語言機構 LBI FIB UI 對外印尼語BIPA教師培訓 20hrs Certificate Uploaded

  • 印尼大學 LBI FIB UI 英文印尼語口譯培訓 Interpreting (EN-ID) 40hrs Certificate Uploaded

  • 印尼大學 LBI FIB UI 日文印尼語筆譯培訓 Translation (JP-ID) 20hrs Certificate Uploaded

  • 韓國語文能力測驗 TOPIK I 第二級(初級) Certificate Uploaded


How to book

  • After buying courses, you can book them according to the teacher’s schedule.
  • If “Instant Tutoring” shows on the teacher’s profile, you can book the lesson 30 minutes after the current time.
  • If the teacher is not online, the next available class cannot be booked until 24 hours afterward.

Lesson duration

  • The duration of a trial session is 25 minutes.
  • The duration of a private session is 50 minutes.
  • If you purchase more than 5 sessions, you will receive a discount (according to the price the teacher set).


  • Enter the website 10 minutes before the class starts. Click “My Lessons” to find your class, click “Go to class”, and then you will be in the classroom on ZOOM!
  • You can use ZOOM for classes both on your phone and computer. Please download ZOOM in advance if you choose to use your phone for the class.

Refund policy

  • Please click “Report Issue” if you encountered any problems, and the teacher will determine either reschedule or refund afterward.
  • If the teacher doesn’t respond the issue, we will provide a full refund as AT credits for you.
How to book
  • After buying courses, you can book them according to the teacher’s schedule.
  • If “Instant Tutoring” shows on the teacher’s profile, you can book the lesson 30 minutes after the current time.
  • If the teacher is not online, the next available class cannot be booked until 24 hours afterward.
Lesson duration
  • The duration of a trial session is 25 minutes.
  • The duration of a private session is 50 minutes.
  • If you purchase more than 5 sessions, you will receive a discount (according to the price the teacher set).
  • Enter the website 10 minutes before the class starts. Click “My Lessons” to find your class, click “Go to class”, and then you will be in the classroom on ZOOM!
  • You can use ZOOM for classes both on your phone and computer. Please download ZOOM in advance if you choose to use your phone for the class.
Refund policy
  • Please click “Report Issue” if you encountered any problems, and the teacher will determine either reschedule or refund afterward.
  • If the teacher doesn’t respond the issue, we will provide a full refund as AT credits for you.

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