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Learn with over 1.3 million other students on AmazingTalker. Start with flexible schedules and no commitments. From beginner classes, professional classes to exam prep, we have specialized teachers in each for you to compare prices and reviews. If you have little time to choose, you can fill out the form and we will recommend the most suitable teacher for you, taking into account your objectives, budget and available time.
Learn with over 1.3 million other students on AmazingTalker. Start with flexible schedules and no commitments. From beginner classes, professional classes to exam prep, we have specialized teachers in each for you to compare prices and reviews. If you have little time to choose, you can fill out the form and we will recommend the most suitable teacher for you, taking into account your objectives, budget and available time.
Thanks Teacher Lucy! After attending Lucy’s lessons, Wallace can get a good marks in writing, speaking and listening!
The discussion topic was inspiring. Dan helped me correct some mistakes regarding sentence structures and other areas. Great!
Thanks Jiao Jiao for her patience on my son. My son doesn’t have big interest in mandarin so sometimes the class may not have gone as smoothly. Jiao Jiao listened to my concerns and focuses on his weakness (e.g. pinyin) and customised the classes for him. She also make the classes fun by using games to encourage him to talk. Thanks for your effort.
Kim is a nice teacher to learn with. Thanks him for his patience as well as guidance, I found the class interesting and helpful!
Good and pls keep do the exam revision with Aki in order to get the good result during exam in Jan Thx
Teacher is friendly, and class is always interesting. Paola provides materials appropriate to my level. Thanks!