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Learn with over 1.3 million other students on AmazingTalker. Start with flexible schedules and no commitments. From beginner classes, professional classes to exam prep, we have specialized teachers in each for you to compare prices and reviews. If you have little time to choose, you can fill out the form and we will recommend the most suitable teacher for you, taking into account your objectives, budget and available time.
Learn with over 1.3 million other students on AmazingTalker. Start with flexible schedules and no commitments. From beginner classes, professional classes to exam prep, we have specialized teachers in each for you to compare prices and reviews. If you have little time to choose, you can fill out the form and we will recommend the most suitable teacher for you, taking into account your objectives, budget and available time.
Teaching vibe is comfortable with slightly pressure, which totally suits me. I also like Simon being honest about my actual learning condition, so I can clearly understand what I need to work on more.
She gives out a lot compliment even for small achievement (I grew up in traditional Chinese family lol), she motivates me and told me it is ok to make mistakes. I am really grateful to Kru Fon :D
As always, Fateme is very motivating and structured. She explains well and is very patient. She is very positive and helps revise things when needed and adapts to my pace and needs.
The writing and discussion helped me revisit my philosophical thoughts. It's good to improve English through discussing complex topics. Great!
This was my very first lesson with Joon and I feel that I have already achieved so much, being able to speak a full sentence and also ask a question. Joon was really patient and encouraging. Thank you
Learning a lot from my classes as a beginner. The classes are easy-going and I am enjoying learning more in every class.